1A 152

Ben Buck - Riverview, Zack Riggle - Omak, Allen Martinez - Warden,
McAdam - Lakeside, Dylan Emmons - Cascade, Mathis - Royal, Devin Otis - Okanogan, Jake Shahan - Cofax, Chris Pierce - Kalama, Shanafelt - Cle Elum,
Myles Melton - Columbia Burbank, Henderson - Chewelah, Daniel Sanchez - Goldendale. Daniel Lopez - Granger, Jed Lomer - Castle Rock. Just to name a few.

This post was edited on 1/11 11:57 AM by LuVeneif(GetAdminCookie() != 0) {document.write(' (Revisions[/URL])');}
He must have moved down, All I have to go to people like you who help educate me and all the results I glean out of newspapers and Gilbertsons web site...
Have a good one...
The Castle Rock kid is pretty good. Jed Lomer
He tech falled a kid Mathis lost to.

What are the rankings for 152
Emmons-Cascade has beaten Riggle twice
My bet is that Eastman will be at this weight and walk through.
Yes I will be adding Eastman and Emmons both, they are the real deal !
Shanafelt is at 145 and has been for a while. I was at 152 but broke my wrist and am out for the rest of my Sr. year.

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