and so it begins.....


Active Member
Nov 26, 2002
2-smoove been waitin for this day for a long, long time. the highshool baseball season begins with stats that count, and games that matter.

2-smoove out!! Peace!

"when the going gets tough, i will be seen running for the hills."
enough out of you 2 smoove

2 smoove i have been reading these dumb little quotes for far too long now. I think it is time to put a stop to all these silly antics. It almost makes me want to dump out my gatorade and throw the bottle away in rage!
not you again......Outhouse!!

not you again......Outhouse!!

honestly though, how are things shaping up for the "Eastsiders" this year in the 3A and 4A divisions? i have read through some of the postings, but nothing all that insightful.

and to shed some light on your question, no i am not talking to myself. i may be a little psychotic, but i draw the line at multiple personalities.

this NOT2SMOOVE character is nothing but a hater who will be dealt with very shortly.

2-smoove out!!! Peace!

"lunge laps....inside lane or outside lane?"
eastside dominance....and a lunge lapping great

On the other side of the mountains is easliy arguable the toughest league in the state, with Richland, SOunthridge, kenniwick, are all very strong teams. people dont really give the eastside of the state enough credit.

And as for lunge laps go the is an all time great, who cannot be beat when it comes to lunging a whole lap. His name was jacob t. he would kick your short butt all day around that track 2smoove, too bad you never got a chance to meet him.

"cant find the zone"- a great friend of mine who wishes to remain annonmous

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