Eatonville vs CC


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2012
Two teams battling for the top of the Nisqually Division 1 crown. Any takes on the game?
I've seen both teams play this year and I'd have to say that Cascade hasn't really been challenged yet. Eatonville played Orting early on and was punished but other than that hasn't played anyone else tough. How healthy are both teams? I'm going to have to give the edge to Eatonville here. They won convincingly last year and this year have the advantage of playing at their home field. Eatonville wins 31-27 in a battle but in the end EHS is too big and has too much experience in the 2A ranks for CCS.
Did both teams run the same offense when you saw them? Eatonville did get CC last year on CC's home field. Didn't Eatonville take the league title over CWA? CC faced Cashmere and Monte early. Cashmere has not lost since, but Monte fell off. I know they had an injury to a key player, but not sure what happened after that. Agree Eatonville hasn't had anyone since Orting. Those two schools just traded places the last year or two....Orting was A and Eatonville was AA.....

I'm going back to my old stand by line. The winner is the team with the least penalties and turnovers.
Crazy side is after the three way tie (in the other division) and now a coin flip!

The winner will play CWA for the Number one seed the loser will play CP for the third seed
13-7 CC at the half. Final 47-7 CC. CC played well in every phase of the game and won the battle of the turnovers. Eatonville played well, but the second half the CC defense really kicked it up a notch. A CC kickoff, recovered by CC was big. (I don't know if it was a planned on side or not? It nailed an Eatonville up man hard and shot out the side??) A blocked punt deep in Eatonville's territory, resulted in CC ball inside the Eatonville 10 yard line, were two of the plays that really put Eatonville in a hole.

Bizarre how CWA ended up the #1 seed. CP has a pretty good team but lost to SLC??? Eatonville is not to be taken lightly. They have good size and are very physical. The game was close until the 3rd when the miscues happened, and the CC D exerted itself. If CP doesn't bring their A game, it could be a long night for them.
Well the first half was competetive and exactly what I expected. The second half....I was shocked to say the least. HS Football Fun said it best. CC dominated in all three phases of the game. Offense-On fire. Defense-Lights Out. Special Teams-Exciting.

Cascades QB was very accurate and has some wheels. WR/RB #8 showed good hands with leaping catch. He probably could have walked into the endzone if he caught it over his shoulders in stride but it was more dramatic this way. I saw their primary RB, Austin, on the sideline. Will he be back? Also #2, what happened to him? He was a favorite of mine at the FS spot. Tobeck played much better since the 1st time I got to see him. Several good catches in traffic and stood out on D too.

Eatonville looked like a contender early on. I was very impressed with their size and speed. EHS needs to find ways to get #12 the ball more. #57 looked the part, however made many stupid mistakes that could keep him from playing at the next level. #16, their WR, was listed at 6'4 205 and both of CC's CB couldn't have been taller than 5'8. I beleive he had 1 catch for 2 yards on 4th and 10. I would have been throwing jump balls all game. There must be something I'm missing. The weather was great for throwing the rock. I enjoyed the fans the most. EHS sure has some passion in the bleachers, though they got a little more quiet as the game went on. All in all, very fast team with a ton of potential. Let's see what happens in the next few weeks.

Excited to see what Cascade will do against Charles Wright this weekend. I'm sure it will be a battle as there is a lot riding on this game. I see that CC plays at home Saturday but does anyone know when EHS plays. I want to see that game as well.
"does anyone know when EHS plays. I want to see that game as well."

Cedar Park Christian @ Eatonville
Friday - Nov 1
I would like to see the Eatonville-CPC game too, but I am headed to Rogers-Puyallup tonight. CC and CWA tomorrow in Sumner should be good. After the CC-Eatonville second half, I am wondering if CWA can stay with the "CC Second Half" or more precisely "3rd quarter" team if thats who shows up. I agree with WAFF20. Eatonville certainly passed the "eye test" on speed and size including #16. I liked how active the CC secondary was. Yes, the CB's were shorter, but in position, fast to the ball, made plays and were not intimidated by the bigger receivers. #3 Bollin for Eatonville, was also very athletic, and has a great leg! (He is an excellent baseball player as well.) CC's starting line impressed me. Especially the starting D-line. The starting O line, was strong too, but as the young subs came in, Eatonville D was able to get penetration, often disrupting the run in the backfield and putting pressure on the QB on pass plays.

I like Eatonville over CPC and I like CC over CWA. I'll go as far to say, if both Eatonville and CC bring their A games, 3 score wins are possible by both.

I'm intrigued about the Puyallup-Rogers match up. I watched Rogers lose to Federal Way, after being inside Federal Way's 5 on 3 occasions and coming away with 0 points. They looked better to me than their record. The winner is in the playoffs, the loser goes home. It should be exciting O, but who can play defense??

WAFF20 if you go to the Eatonville-CPC post updates!
HSFBFUN, Intimidation has nothing to do with it. If you're 6'4 and being guarded by a 5'7 kid, chances are the big guy is coming down with a few of them, regardless as to how good the 5'7 guys positioning is. All I was saying is that they should have taken a few more chances his way...Heck, they were down big and had nothing to lose at that point.

As for my Friday plans, I do love my small school football but I'm a local guy first. Puyallup/Rogers games are legendary...this one has playoff spots riding on it too. I guess I'll see you at the game...maybe even two in a row if I can make it back out to the CC game Saturday night.

Good luck to all schools, especially my local guys. GO RAMS!
Well the Rams went down....I hated to see it end that way. (My younger son is on the JV.) Puyallup won the night. Rogers has struggled tackling all year and last night was no exception. The middle was exceptionally soft. #1 went in at FS the end of the game, and gave them a D boost. I saw #74 in on D a little bit earlier in the year and was impressed with his play. I know he can play D because we played with him when he was younger and he was our best D lineman. He didn't see D time last night. Saw some CC in the Puyallup D as Puyallup was able to poach 2 CC D coaches last year. I don't know about you, but it seemed to me the Rams had more talent than their record reflects. They seemed to not capitalize on opportunities all year. I mean inside Federal Way 5 yard line 3 times and 0 points for the effort???? #12 was moving the ball. I would have liked to see more read option keeps last night. #9 had a great game, but "needed a little help from his friends".

Well back to 1A.

My prediction on the Eatonville CPC game spread was wrong, but the Cruisers did pull it out. I was getting text updates during the game and it sounded like Eatonville came out strong but then sputtered. Does anybody have any more detail on the game? I saw where Woodland lost for the first time, Zillah rolled as usual.

Tonight's CC-CWA game has the potential to be fun. CWA appears to have great size on the lines and Alexander Moore, State Champion sprinter in the back field. CC has a smash-mouth defense and plenty of weapons on O to spread it around and get'er done.( I think you pointed out, earlier in the year CC's D was either crunching people in the backfield or getting burned for 80 yard runs. ???) I hope that is resolved, as Moore could capitalize on that tendency.

I still like CC but after last nights Eatonville-CPC game, will back off the 3 score idea and call it CC by 7 points.

PS On the 5'7 DB vs 6'4" receiver, agree the taller guy has the advantage and percentage are with him, but with a nasty attitude, willingness to sacrifice the body, 4.5 speed, and 33" vertical, the DB reduces that percentage some and just maybe able to turn one into a pick 6. These type of match ups are what makes HS football so darn fun!!!

I see no reason to think that tonight's CCS v CWA game will be anything different from any other CCS league game this year. I expect a running clock at some point in the game as they have done to every other team in the league this year. CCS is too physical for any of the teams in this league, no matter how big their offensive and defensive lineman may be. Turnovers and penalties have been the biggest Achilles heal they have and they cannot afford to have any more injuries. CCS has a +150 point differential over the 4 common opponents they and CWA have played. I am disappointed CPC lost the coin toss and faced Eatonville in an elimination game as I thought CPC is the 3rd or 4th best team in the league. Port Townsend being the other. Cascade wins 49-7 or 56-14, somewhere in that ballpark.
"PS On the 5'7 DB vs 6'4" receiver, agree the taller guy has the advantage and percentage are with him, but with a nasty attitude, willingness to sacrifice the body, 4.5 speed, and 33" vertical, the DB reduces that percentage some and just maybe able to turn one into a pick 6. These type of match ups are what makes HS football so darn fun!!!"

I have seen CC play several times and have been around football my entire life. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that they do not have one starter on that field that can run a 4.5 fourty. Considering any HS kid who claims to run a 4.5 has probably never been clocked faster than a 4.6 - 4.7 and considering the average handheld time is .24 seconds faster than any Automated timing I'd say that none of those corners run faster than a real 4.8 at a NIKE combine.

As for the 33 inch vert. I'd beleive it. This test is much easier to test. You can either jump that high or not. Not too much room to fib here. Which led me to do a little research and math. The average high school athlete has a 24 inch vert. Because number 16 was a receiver and seemed pretty athletic (and I trust the word "average" considers 350 pound linemen with 3 inch verts) we'll say he had a 26" vertical. the average 6'4 person has a reach of 103". This means #16 could catch a football at 129" from the ground. Your 5'7 corner has a reach of 90" + 33" vert....This gives us 123". As much as I love "a nasty attitude, willingness to sacrifice the body", #16 has half a foot of jump ball over both your corners. Get half a decent QB to get him the football and we've got a different game. Don't get me wrong, CC is a great team and I'm rooting for them. I'm just saying that I would have tested their DB's a little more....which it looked like CWA sure did!

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