Hey Spokane fans, got any info?


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2004
I was reading in a Spokane news paper about Ferris' Caleb Rath and was caught a little off guard. I had no idea he was a 12-time letter winner, ery impressive. Besides his obvious overall athletic talent, how does he measure up on the baseball diamond? The paper I was reading made him sound like quite the player, but after reading articles from the Tri-City Herald and similar papers, I take local newspaper reportings with a grain of salt. They are often a little biased in there reporting, so I'm looking to find out how good this kid really is. Does he live up to all the hype?
Spokane Baseball

Rath is in the top percent of the League, but it's really hard to judge GSL talent on a larger level. Due to the overall level of league play. As a whole, the league is usually weak on pitching and you see great stats, but kids have a hard time making the jump to the next level. Speed is the hardest thing for them to deal with. I have always commented that the reason why the Big 9 struggles at regionals is the time'n of a slower pitcher.

The last few kids that went from the GSL to a D-1 school were back in a JC by the next fall.

Most common thing for GSL'ers to do is go to JC for two years and try to adjust to the pitching. However most can't. Or they head to Whitworth and play in a hitter’s league much like H.S.

Hope this helps and ask away for anything else.

The Pulse of the GSL....boom booooom....booooom booom
Thanks, another question...

Thanks for the info. I will definately have to agree that Big 9 hitters get so used to the speed that often comes from the area pitchers, and have a hard time adjusting to a pitcher who doesn't bring quite as much heat. Definately something hitting coaches should be looking at.

Another question for you. I know that the GSL was hit pretty hard on the offensive side of the ball, graduating alot of big offensive powerhouses. I do know that West Valley has got a couple of big guys returning in Hauschild and Peterson, but who else is there that should put up some numbers? Anyone that is showing some promise early in the season?
your question...

Well at this point it is really too soon to talk about individual players. Thanks to the outstanding spring weather up here in Spokane, some teams have only one game under their belt (West Valley) while others have 5 to 6. A lot of the big prospects have struggled early. If I had to give one guy credit for starting the best out of the blocks, it would be Andy Mattingly of Mead. Team has struggled, but has been hitting the ball well. Should be interesting if team continues to struggle how well he keeps playing.

Couple guys that should end up with solid years: (No Particular Order)
Van Sickle U-Hi
Conrad U-Hi
Lampher EV
Durant Rog
Petrie Mt. Spo
Simmelink CV

I will let you know that the Softball is loaded : U-Hi,Shadle, NC, Rog, Mead, CV,

The pulse of the GSL "Booom boom,,,,,Booooom Booooom"
Re: your question...

Softball is loaded, bad news for the Big-9ers! I would have to say that this a a down year (to say the least) in the Big 9. Lots of talent was graduated last year, especially in the pitching department. Sounds like the GSL should do a pretty good number on some of those southern teams.

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