Questions for WIAA and people smarter than me.


Dec 31, 2008
Why is Tumwater Boys a seed #3 hosting a regional game? River Ridge #1 seed is not??

Why does Sumner girls a #3 seed get double elimantion?

Why do all #2 seeds except Tumwater girls get duoble elimination?

Why are there not mechanisms set up to not allow teams from the same conference to play first state game in Yakima?

Do you realize Sumner and White River could play in Stanwood for the 5th time this year??

Does the WIAA even care about any of this?

Just an FYI,the games at Showare Center were sparsely attended. 10am district championship game on a holiday?? Are you kidding me?

Can the WIAA use other states models for playoffs if they dont know what to do??

Can the WIAA ask Port Angeles if they saved any money?? Seeing how they had to stay in a hotel and pay a bus driver overnight to make a 10am game in Kent.

Are WIAA officials elected? How do we boot them out?

Thank you..
1 the sites were picked before it was known who was playing

Just an FYI,the games at Showare Center were sparsely attended. 10am district championship game on a holiday?? Are you kidding me?

the wiaa has nothing to do with district games. they are ruled by the districts
state berths were decided one or two months ago and have been posted on the wiaa web site.
get you facts straight before passing on blame
Mr. Richardlb, nowhere on my post am a blaming anyone. I am simply asking basic questions because I do not understand how smart educated people can screw up a tournament like this.

Also, it is a fact hardly any fans attended games at the Showare center. I was there and could see the attendance.

Do you know of any sport where lower seeds have an advantage over higher seeds?? Why on earth would a #3 seed get double elimination and a #2 seed not?? When all the other #2 seeds do..

I realize sites were picked beforehand. Hosting a state game in your own gym is wrong. Its an advantage other #3 seeds do not have. Simply have a backup plan if this occurs. Theres about 8 gyms in Thurston County.

So, Mr. richardlb educate me on why these issues were not planned for. I am just looking for answers. Not trying to blame anyone at all. Though I do believe the people who put this tourney together should be removed from their positions. Just my opinion. Doesnt mean I am right:)

If you can, address all my questions I originally asked. Thank you
Everyone has a beef with something in this life.

It used to be about the state draw, people would go on for days about how unfair it was. At least we got rid of that.
Serjnr, all good questions, I am sorry nobody is answering them for you. I'd love to hear the answers and think the WIAA needs to answer many many more questions when this is all over.
You might want to fire off your list to the WIAA. I did ask a few questions and got answers. Mr. Colbrese didn't answer all of them but he answered some of them. If you go to the trouble of posting here, you might as well got to the trouble of emailing him. His email address is posted right there on the WIAA site. Some of your questions were answered so take those into consideration when you make up your list.

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