The Scandals of the WIAA


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2011
The week has revealed publicaly what many coaches have been saying for several years. The WIAA continues to ignore the rules and ethics. The Rainer Beach scandal will play out this next week as will what's left of what used to be a state tournament involving the best teams in the state.
The WIAA must answer some serious ethics questions from the coaches, if not from the state attorney general.
The revelation involving the financial windfall associated with the RB decision demands more answers as well as a deeper look into the past dealings of the WIAA. The coaches and the athletic directors that have been passive in the past and "trusting" of the WIAA and their decisions need to pull there head out of the sand. It's a good ol' boys club in Renton that is determining the faight of your programs and more impotantly, your student athletes,

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