Trouble for ATM?


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2001

It appears that there are some issues with that program. What are you guys hearing?
Why would a head coach send such an e-mail? I'm having a hard time coming up with a situation where that airing public of private laundry would be good for the program.

But ATM’s business is ATM’s business.
Bizarre to name a coach that he asked to resign. Truly unprofessional at the very least.

Is this tied to the Athletic Director's dismissal?
Is this the coach that is being asked to leave?

Is this also the same coach that stood on the 50 yard line facing Prosser before the game in 2007, and yelling "clay feet" to the boys?

Yeah, there are some "class" issues at ATM and Coach Ward appears to be trying to take care of it.
I just don't see how e-mailing internal strife helps with 'class' issues.

Redwolf, you're from Prosser I take it correct? Let me ask this: in all his years Coach Moore must have had some assistants whom he had issues with. Can you think of a single time that he went public over either the assistant in general or the disagreement specifically?

Maybe the guy is a horrible coach, classless competitor, back stabber and three time defending 'Worst Human Being on the Planet' winner; or maybe he isn't. It isn't about the assistant or the coach's right to have whom they want on their staff. The question is why in the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks would you air private dirty undies in public? What did he hope to accomplish that would out weigh problems with handling it this way?

Maybe he did have a good reason for sending out the e-mail. I just can't think of a possible good reason.
In situations like these, the public only knows what the those involved are willing to air. I have a strong feeling we know about 10% of all the angles on this. Who knows all of Ward's reasons, or all of Schmidt's flaws, or the real story about the AD's departure. I do know this, where there's smoke there's fire, and we are only seeing the smoke from a distance, without a clue of the fire that's been burning for apparently some time now.

I've always been really suspect of exclusive schools competing with inclusive schools, but even in this case, I hope Murphy can do what needs to be done to restore trust among their football staff and much needed integrity to their football program.

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