Ridiculous...For everyone regardless of class


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2003
Is it ridiculous when people get on here and post about how great they are. People seem to do it in every sport. Why do people feel the need to get on here and talk themselves up? Would it not make more sense if they simply let their game do the talking. It's cool when you talk up your friends or your team, but yourself??? Get a day job if you're going to do that. What does everyone think of the people who post about how great they are?
Thanks dude!!! Finally someone on this messege board who knows what's goin on. I know i tried to "talk" myself up, and im sorry if i offended anyone in any way. But this messege board is fun when intelligent people are posting intelligently, not like some five year old kids who aren't gettin their way. Like i said, I can only say sorry. I wish i could take back what i said. I obviously talked smack about people in this messege board, but when i first started posting here, I just wanted to get your opions on 2A golf this season, not to talk smack about someone's golf game or anything. Some of you guys come out to watch us golfers, while others actually play 2A golf in here, AND some of you dont even play. Everyone is welcome, but dont go talking smack about someone when all they want to do is find out your opinion. IM SORRY!!! BUT LETS POST SOME MESSEGES ABOUT GOLF ALREADY!!!

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