Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2005
I really like when people talk about track, and how NOBODY is talking about it, im getting bored, and I'd appreciate some input. It is the OLDEST and BEST sport in existance. Sooooo...

1A, Any fast kids in the sprints? I've been wondering...Please start talking on here more, I'm dying without input!
you cant say anything about dying to hear stuff from 1A track. Its just not even cool how i cant get any input about 4A sprinters or jumpers or distancers....So dont say anything about dying to hear about 1A track...
I'm in 1A so thats why I was wondering. And also history shows that more 1A and 2A teams post on here than 3 and 4A, so thats why I was wondering. If i knew anything other than Nectaly Barbosa(Prosser), and Isac Bergman(E-Berg) are coming back in the 400-1600...I would love to spread that information, quite thickly...But as of now, I know nothing, about nothing, so thats why I asked bud.
Top returners to 1A, including 2A teams dropping down this year. Based on last year best times, according to the Track & Field Annual:


Z Sybouts, Zillah 11.04
T Hart, F Harbor 11.16
E Fuller, C Wright 11.32
C Davis, Freeman 11.49
C Shaner, Forks 11.54
C Velling, Casc. Chr 11.54
E VanMeter, Lakeside 11.64
E Knick, Ilwaco 11.65
C Ashlock, Kalama 11.69
C Pyke, Newport 11.71


Z Sybouts 22.65
E Fuller 22.84
M Day, Chewelah 23.64
J Lara, Freeman 23.64
M Stranger, Lk Roos 23.64
C Davis 23.73
Hey thats way intense for 1a. it just gets kind of old to see all these one no name schools always being talked up. like zillaH for example. look at the top 4a times of last year. i wonder how they match up. Isac and nectaly are amazing. it wouldnt matter if they were at a 4a or 1a school, they would still be amazing. but maybe in a 4a meet they would have more than one person besides themselves that would give them a run for their money. Ya think?
Maybe you could explain what "one no name schools" means Mr. Genious.

As to your point of 4A athletes having better marks I would make the following arguments. These points don't apply to every school but on a general basis.

1) Larger schools have larger coaching staffs. They are more likely to have specialty coaches for each different grouping of events. (i.e. jump coach, sprints coach, distance coach, throwing coach) Zillah's coach, for example is a distance guy. Look at the succes of the XC program. However, the sprinters, throwers and jumpers get very little event-specific coaching.

2) Larger schools have better facilities. Better facilities can enable an athlete to hone their schools a bit better.

3) Larger schools, by definition, have more competition (more bodies). Obviously, this pushes an athlete to higher heights. When you are being pushed at every practice and event you tend to naturally see the need to work harder in your training.

4) The school size classifications exist for these very reasons.

If you want to talk Big School Track then go right ahead, but don't diss on the small-school athlete in the process. It makes you look very immature and petty. Have a great day!
WOOOOO turn up the heat!!!!

Yah I agree with postman, I think that Nectaly and Isak are both phenominal athletes, but still have alot more to work with then the athletes in smaller schools, like Zillah do. Like you said Johnson is a cross country coach, obviously, then won in 2004, and placed 2nd in 2005 for girls. They do not have a sprinting coach, or a throwing coach, or a jumping coach. And I'm sure Prosser, and Ellensburg have all of those. So like postman said, pretty nicely, lets not diss the smaller schools, they have some pretty great athletes in them too.