MVP of the MVL?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
Not necessarily who scores the most, but who is the man the team cannot be without?

Ellensburg - Johnson
Hanford - Severin or Curry
Prosser - Crawford
Sunnyside - Whole team works well together not 1 person stands out
West Valley - Juarez or Wagar
Selah - Brink
Wapato - Smiscon
MVP goes to Severin of Hanford, doesnt score alot but his D they need the most!Then Brink Selah, Johnson Ellensberg, Crawford Prosser and Begalka Hanford.2nd Team;: Simmons Sunnsyside, Gordon Ellensberg, Juarez West Valley, Smiscon Wapato, Lochrie Prosser!
If consistency is a part of the equasion; Brink, Selah. 10+ points every game, occasional 20+; 5+ asists every game; 4+ rebounds every game.....
Should the sixth placed team really have the MVP of the league. In any other year if a player from the sixth placed team was nominated that person would be laughed off this board!!
Oh, so you're only interested in the MVP of the most valuable team? The MVL doesn't have one!!!
For the prosser mustangs, i would have to say that either Lochrie or crawford are the MVP's. Its hard to say because they play different positions and help the team out emmensly in different ways.
For the prosser mustangs, i would have to say that either Lochrie or crawford are the MVP's. Its hard to say because they play different positions and help the team out emmensly in different ways.

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